
Handling Assistance Solutions By Market

The handling issues encountered vary considerably depending on the type of load and the sector. In order to understand the variety of existing Lifting Tube Handling Solutions, here are some examples of loads per sector of activity that Manut-LM products can lift ergonomically while increasing your productivity:

-The Carpentry and Wood Market: Handling of Wooden Planks, Lifting of panels for saw infeed, Beam Palletizing, Handling of doors, windows, lifting of film wrapped loads…

– The Chemicals Market: Handling of paper or plastic bags to supply hoppers, Palletizing drums and cans, boxes, Lifting of rubber blocks…

– The Logistics Market: Cardboard Box transfer, Container Handling, Pallets…

– The Industrial Market: Handling of sheet metal or plastic panels for production machines, Palletization of products at the end of manufacturing process or cardboard boxes, load transfer, Spool Handling, Pallet Lifting…

– The Building and Construction Market: Handling of bags of cement, concrete, Lifting of construction work products (paving stones, concrete, marble slabs…), installation of cladding or roofing…

– Agri-food market: Handling of food products such as butter in bulk, ham blocks and meat in bulk, cheese wheels

-Wine and bottling industry: Handling of several individual bottles simultaneously, Barrel Lifting, Palletizing of crates of bottles or cardboard boxes, Cask Handling…

Manut-LM has more than 30 years experience in the manufacture of Lifting-Tube Handling Solutions. We can design the device that best suits your production method or logistics requirements. In order to work together on the solution that best suits you, contact our Technical Sales teams who will bring you their expertise in Ergonomics and Processes.


Bag handling operations often involve significant physical effort. In case of prolonged repetitions, lifting bags can be the cause of musculoskeletal disorders and other occupational diseases. Manut-LM designs and manufactures manual handling.. 


Handling of boxes is a very common activity not only in logistics, but also in all sectors of activity involving the transport and handling of products. Lifting of boxes is an activity that is both time-consuming and physically..

Drums and Containers

The lifting and handling of drums, cans or barrels are difficult and painful operations. Whether upstream of the production line or in the distribution, the handling of these loads may be repetitive and…


Manual handling of loads can be problematic when operators are required to lift panels. Their dimension, volume or weight can cause MSD (musculoskeletal disorders) and lead to significant losses in productivity.

Food Loads

The handling of loads in the agri-food industry covers a considerable variety of loads, with many individual cases. Most often, quantities of raw materials are produced and then handled in order to be packed in formats consistent with sale to individuals.


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Manut-LM offers ergonomic handling solutions for lifting beams of all sizes. Wooden, plastic or metal beams, Manut-LM adapts to your constraints to facilitate lifting while limiting the risks of MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders) for the operator.

Door Handling

Lifting doors can be complex: they are sometimes very large, heavy and have no handle or hook for easy handling. However, many companies are confronted with this concern, as is the case in the wood, building or glazing sector. To help manufacturers and builders in the handling of doors…

Glass Panels

The handling of windows, glass panels and frames is a complex operation because of the weight of the loads, their volume and especially their fragility.Manut-LM offers a complete range of glass panel handling solutions that guarantee total safety of the… 


Pallets are heavy and complicated loads to handle (ground grip, high storage, etc.) Manut-LM designs manipulators capable of lifting pallets and tilting them without risk for operators. Pallets are most of the time taken by forks in order to be handled.


The handling of tiles is a physically demanding activity because of the weight of the loads. By equipping operators with a vacuum manipulator, productivity is maximized while reducing the risks associated with bad gestures and postures. Manut-LM has…. 


Manut-LM offers cobotic solutions (assistance to collaborative robots) allowing the lifting of sheet metal plates, coils, cardboard boxes, automotive parts, batteries, etc. These devices operate using a lifting tube suction system. Manut-LM’s tailor-made solutions adapt to your processes… 

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